Size: 21,851 mi² (about the size of West Virginia)

Languages: Croatian is the primary language; many people, especially in younger generations, speak some English as well

Currency: euro (as of January 2023)

Something You Should Know: The Croatian War of Independence, known as the Homeland War, ended in 1995 — within the memory and lifespan of many Croats. Read up on some of this history and understand that this is still a very sensitive topic in the country, particularly amongst older generations.


Croatia remains one of our favorite places we've traveled to. It's a backpacker's dream: laidback, cheap, and adventurous. The country has AMAZING rock climbing, diverse hiking, and just about every water-related activity you could ask for: boating, scuba diving, island hopping, kayaking, exploring waterfalls, etc.

In August 2022, we spent about a month in the country, visiting a few of its national parks + Split.  We stayed at a combination of Airbnbs and campgrounds and mainly cooked, though eating out wasn't too expensive. We relied fully on public transit, using (very cheap) buses to get between places.