Size: 289.6 mi²  (for context, that's smaller than NYC)

Languages: English, Dominican Creole

Currency: East Caribbean Dollars (EC/EZ) + U.S. Dollars are also widely accepted

Something You Should Know: In 2017, Hurricane Maria ravaged the northeastern Caribbean, and Dominica was one of the nations hardest hit. Expect to see rebuilding still in action, hear stories of wreckage and recovery, and feel the weight of what the natural disaster did to this island.


Nature Island — Dominica's well-chosen nickname — totally enchanted me. People are genuinely kind, the country is safe, and most of all, despite its small size, there are SO. MANY. amazing things to experience. From soaking in (and smelling) sulphur hot springs, to coconut milk XX, to XX, I constantly felt like I was using all 5 of my senses.

In January 2023, we spent about 4 weeks in the country, 2 weeks at a Workaway and 2 weeks touring. We relied on public transit and hitchhiking, which worked for us given we weren't on a tight schedule (and led to many interesting conversations with locals). Besides our Workaway, we stayed at Airbnbs and guesthouses, which were much cheaper than the lodges, resorts, and hotels on the island.

Overall, pricing in Dominica was a mixed bag. Tours and guided experiences tend to be VERY pricey, while street food, most groceries, and handicrafts were generally affordable. See below for our experience-specific guides!