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Size: 440,831 mi² (1,141,749 km²)

Languages: Spanish is spoken by >99% of Colombia’s population. There are also 65 Amerindian languages. There may be English in more touristy areas, but in general, it isn’t super widely known.

Currency: Colombian peso ($ or COP; $ does NOT mean USD here)

Something You Should Know: If you want to travel by bus, we


We spent about a month in Colombia in February 2023. After flying into Bogotá, we explored a few of the country’s amazing national parks, navigating via buses and domestic flights. Accommodations-wise, we stayed with friends, in Airbnbs, or in park accommodations of some sort (e.g., eco-cabins, campsites). For food, we ate out, taking advantage of cheap dining options — or splurging where it counted at the UNESCO City of Gastronomy Popayán.

Overall, traveling throughout the country was very feasible on a backpacker’s budget. For those who love nature and adventure, Colombia won’t leave you disappointed: from hiking up tropical glaciers (nope, not an oxymoron) to hunting for tarantulas in the Amazon, we were filled with near-permanent awe (…and adrenaline) through our time in the country. See below for our experience-specific guides for the country!