Size: 1,073,500 mi² (the 2nd largest country in Latin America and the 8th largest in the world!)

Languages: Spanish is the main language; English is around but not super common

Currency: Argentine peso (ARS or $)

Something You Should Know: For anyone traveling to Argentina, you NEED to understand the blue dollar rate. Essentially, Argentina has two exchange rates with the U.S. dollar, and if you use the better one, you can (perfectly legally) double your money. Research it on your own to take advantage of this! I promise, once you understand it, the blue dollar rate will be your best friend.


We spent about 2 weeks in Argentina in April 2023. From watching football (soccer) matches in the capital city to spotting capybaras in the northern wetlands, our time here was a dream. Itinerary-wise, we spent a few days in Buenos Aires, then traveled to Iberá National Park — which remains one of my favorite places in the entire world.

Overall, we found the country to be quite affordable, especially given we got our pesos using the blue dollar rate. We did a mix of cooking our own food and eating out. We relied fully on public transit and Ubers to get around. Accommodations-wise, we stayed at a hotel in Buenos Aires then at a campground outside Iberá National Park.

See below for our experience-specific guide on Iberá National Park!